“Humans of Sacred Heart” – Izzy DeVita ’21
As Head of Campus Ministry, how are you preparing to celebrate advent this Christmas season?
“This year for advent Mrs. Considine and I have planned an advent bulletin board for the Upper School hallway. Students can sign up for a day and post a scripture verse, a quote from a saint, a suggestion for a kind action, a photo of a Christmas scene, or anything else that makes them feel in the Christmas spirit. I think it’s a really nice way to celebrate advent with the Upper School community.”
What special adaptations to traditions have you made in light of COVID-19 restrictions?
“Adapting to COVID-19 restrictions has been hard for certain traditions such as chapels and liturgies. We are doing the best we can to make chapels engaging and meaningful, but it is challenging over Zoom. Morning prayer is also quite different this year as the entire Upper School usually participates at some point in their advisories but this year I just do prayer via Zoom morning meeting each day. Despite these changes, I’m still happy with the way things are going and what I have been able to do as Head of Campus Ministry.”
In your role as Head of Campus Ministry, what has inspired you, especially during such a challenging year?
“This year I have been inspired by all of the students who want to participate in campus ministry. I started a campus ministry club, and the members have been eager to read at chapels and write reflections, which has been really great to see. I really enjoy facilitating student engagement in campus ministry because it is something I have enjoyed taking part in throughout my time at Sacred Heart.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks senior Izzy DeVita ’21 for her contributions to “Humans of the Sacred Heart.”

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