Senior Superlatives 2022

Lindsay Taylor ’24

Check out the senior superlatives of the Class of 2022.

Most likely to befriend a billionaire without knowing it:

Lydia Fullerton

Runner-up: Erin Griffin

Most likely to become an Instagram influencer:

Jackie Erensen

Runner-up: Isobel Cunningham

Most likely to become a Supreme Court justice:

Angélique Wheeler

Runner-up: Leah Allen

Most likely to work as a Michelin-star chef:

Claire Pittaro

Runner-up: Kaitlyn Langer

Most likely to own a comedy club:

Claire Pittaro

Runner-up: Mary Dowling

Most likely to marry her high school sweetheart:

Bella Adams

Runner-up: Gabby Lauria

Most likely to become a professional athlete:

Caroline Nemec

Runner-up: Franny O’Brien

Most likely to go vegan:

Lucy Catalano

Runner-up: Mary Dowling

Most likely to work on Wall Street:

Katherine Devine

Runner-up: Megan Maloney

Most likely to win a million dollars on a game show:

Jules Ingram

Runner-up: Fiona Powers and Angélique Wheeler (tie)

Most likely to work at Sacred Heart Greenwich in the future:

Charlotte Fallon

Runner-up: Mary Hawthorn

Most likely to start her own makeup line:

Isobel Cunningham

Runner-up: Nicole Mayer

Most likely to have a ten-hour long playlist:

Charlotte Marvin

Runner-up: Heidi McGannon

Most likely to break a Guinness World Record:

Chelsea Hyland

Runner-up: Jules Ingram

Most likely to marry royalty:

Isabel Lehrman

Runner-up: Isobel Cunningham

Most likely to work in another country:

Claire Moore

Runner-up: Jackie Erensen

Most likely to become a famous entertainer:

Zöe Young

Runner-up: Charlotte Burchetta

Featured Image by Lindsay Taylor ’24