Lauren looks forward to reading books similar to The Great Gatsby in the future.
Lauren Giuriceo: The Great Gatsby
Lauren read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in eleventh grade American Literature with Dr. Matthew Lillo. The text transformed her English classroom into a place of exploration and discovery. Lauren hopes to find similar inspiration in college literature courses.
“My favorite book was The Great Gatsby because the plot and style are very much like a novel I would read for fun. It is full of symbols and literary elements to analyze, so we had interesting, abstract discussions about it.
Although English is not usually my favorite class, while studying The Great Gatsby, I always looked forward to coming to class with my insights from reading and hearing about my classmates’ interpretations and findings. Looking back on this unit, I will be reminded in the future to take English classes focused on material that I find interesting. Hopefully, I will have similarly enjoyable units in English classes again in college.”
Featured Image by Avery Kim ’24