Awareness from the media can change the fate of the Ukrainian war
More media coverage is essential to help stop the war in Ukraine.
Since the launch of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, the war in Ukraine has become a devastating humanitarian crisis. Not only has the conflict provoked political issues between Russia and members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but it has also caused the loss of over 100,000 innocent Ukrainian lives, according to The New York Times. Although reporting regarding Ukraine still makes international news headlines, interest in media coverage has dwindled over time, causing fewer and fewer Americans to continue to keep themselves informed on the war. Loss of attention on Ukraine could be catastrophic, as the country needs assistance from the West to defend and rebuild its nation. Ukrainians need the media to remain focused on their ongoing struggles to stay alive and, ultimately, end the war.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is the largest military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War, according to The New York Times. Before the occupation, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to diminish the strength of NATO by illegally annexing parts of Crimea, Ukraine and taking hostile actions toward Ukraine. In response, NATO cut ties of practical civilian and military collaboration with Russia in 2014, according to Occupying Ukraine is Mr. Putin’s next step in reducing the power of the alliance, while also attempting to recreate a modern Soviet empire, according to The New York Times. Ukraine needs more news coverage not only to remember those suffering from the strife but also to maintain peace among world alliances.
The brutality of the attempted occupation has caused more than 3 million Ukrainians to flee to neighboring European countries, such as Poland and Hungary, and has caused the death of over 100,000 Ukrainians, according to The New York Times. That is over 100,000 men and women, children and adults who Mr. Putin has stripped of a future. People should not allow this devastation to go unnoticed. No one should forget 100,000 people.

The West’s attention to advancements in the war has faded over time. The lack of military progression from both sides has resulted in many Americans thinking the war is old news, causing a lack of overall media coverage, according to People should care about Ukraine because human beings continue to suffer at the hands of oppression and brutality.
Every day in southern Ukraine civilians are still fleeing from the escalating danger of Russia’s military. Ukrainians bring with them only what they can carry by hand, according to The New York Times. They fight every day to stay alive, as the war with Russia carries on and Western people continue to become less interested and informed about the crisis. Refugees require help from the media to ensure that the general public does not forget their struggles.
The loss of lives should not merely be a number flicked across the screen at home when the nightly news broadcasts on television. Rather, the loss of lives should inspire Americans to take action and fight for other human beings who are suffering. Americans should endeavor to align themselves with their belief of liberty and freedom and help Ukraine. For this reason, it is incumbent upon national and international news outlets to report more extensively and thoroughly about, not just the numbers, but the actual human toll of this conflict.
Starting with the invasion of Ukraine in February, the Russian government began forcing publishers to abolish all mention of Ukraine as an independent nation from textbooks and other educational sources, according to With the declining attention on Ukraine, Russia could win the war and wipe out Ukrainian history altogether. Lack of media coverage not only diminishes the struggles of millions of humans, but also creates the issue that Russia could make Ukrainian struggles absent from history.

As winter commences, the adversity in Ukraine will intensify. Frigid temperatures and snowfall could delay progress on the battlefields and heighten difficulties individuals face daily. The cold could also detain vehicles with fresh clothes and supplies from reaching the Ukrainian military, according to The New York Times. Recognition from the media can help Ukrainians as the harsh weather approaches. The Ukrainians need media coverage now more than ever.
Ukraine deserves and necessitates sustained attention. It is the responsibility of reporters to help keep Ukrainians alive. People should not look back on this historical crisis and wish they could have done more. Instead, they should do more now to help save humanity. People should stay informed and demand more media coverage of the war. The future is in the hands of the present.
Featured Image by Emily Shull ’25

Emily is incredibly grateful to serve as the 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chief of the King Street Chronicle. After two years on the newspaper’s staff, Emily...