World Language Week: Portuguese
For this year’s World Language Week, Sacred Heart Greenwich students shared their work in French, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. Senior Caterina Pye composed a poem entitled “My Brazil” in Portuguese.
Meu Brasil by Caterina Pye
Assistindo futebol e roendo as unhas
Todos fazem parte do time, vestimos a camisa com suas derrotas e conquistas
Comendo picadinho e reclamando do calor do sol
Não há outra comida que eu prefira
Mangas frescas e abacaxi, acerola, carambola, cajá e cajú
São tantas frutas novas alinhadas à superfície da mesa
Depois de nadar no mar quente da Praia Preta
Queimada pelos raios do sol
Eu mal posso esperar pelo amanhã
Os sons do samba tocam alto, atabaques, agogô, y cavaquinhos
Enquanto assisto aos desfiles de carnaval
Trajes de penas, lantejoulas, plumas, passam rapidamente, brilhos que ficarão pra sempre na memória
Não quero deixar esse lugar
Quase choro
Trarei sempre comigo
Sua alma alegre Brasil
Watching soccer and biting our nails
Everyone’s a part of the team, wearing the jerseys through the wins and defeats
Eating picadinho, complaining about the sun’s heat
There’s no other food I would rather eat
Fresh mangoes, pineapple, acerola, star fruit, cajá e cajú
So many new fruits aligning the table’s surface
After swimming in Praia Preta’s warm ocean
Sun-kissed from the sun’s rays
I can’t wait for another day
The sounds of samba loudly play, atabaques, agogô, and cavaquinhos
As I watch the carnival parades
Sequin feathery costumes quickly flash by, sparkles that will remain forever in my memory
I don’t want to leave this place
I almost cried
I will always bring with me
Your joyful soul Brazil
The King Street Chronicle thanks senior Caterina Pye ’23 for her contribution.
Featured Image by Ana López del Punta ’23
For her final year on the KSC staff, Ana is incredibly grateful to serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief. To help ensure the success of the paper in upcoming years,...