Lindsay Taylor ’24

Clare looks up to her mother’s success in rowing.

Mrs. Rosemary Hyson

Clare described how her mother’s passion for rowing furthered her own love and growth in the sport.

“My female role model is my mom.  My mom has had a major impact on my life as I have gotten to see her support, love, and passion for all things.  One of the main places I have seen her impact is throughout my rowing journey.  My mom rowed in college and this inspired me to start rowing myself.  Rowing has taught me so many skills like teamwork, hard work, and communication skills that I wouldn’t have without my mom’s impact on my life.  My mom has also taught me how to love and support everyone unconditionally with the way that she interacts with everyone in her life.  Lastly, my mom has taught me a passion for hard work academically which led me to a desire to chase challenges everywhere in my life.  In conclusion, my mom has brought me to places in my life where she knew I would learn everything I needed in my life from how to solve a quadratic equation to fighting for every last second in a rowing race.  This is the great impact that my mom has had on my life and why she is my female role model.”

Featured Image by Lindsay Taylor ’24