Why is it important to teach American Sign Language (ASL)?
“Teaching American Sign Language is important to foster language diversity, encourage cultural understanding, and practice social inclusion.”
What inspired you to become a co-head of the ASL Club?
“The motivation behind my role as a co-head of the ASL Club lies in my desire to communicate with the deaf and hard-of-hearing community when necessary. My dream career path in the medical field revolves around communicating with people of diverse backgrounds. Learning ASL, let alone teaching it to others, will allow me to pursue my passion with a sense of hope and inspiration.”
What do you hope the ASL Club will bring to Upper School students?
“I hope students will gain valuable communication and personal growth tools, ultimately benefitting themselves and the broader community. I hope they will be proficient enough in the language to the point where they can effectively communicate with others and continue to spread awareness of the deaf culture.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks senior Nova Ramseur-Moore ’24 for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”