As a sequel to Inside Out, Inside Out 2 embarks further on the journey of Riley, now a 13-year-old, navigating the challenges of adolescence. The story expands her emotional landscape, which was introduced in the first film, by adding new feelings, such as anxiety, ultimately emphasizing the complexities of teenage life. In the film, Riley battles with discovering identity, balancing her emotions, and rejecting external pressures of trying to fit in with new social groups while maintaining her old friendships. The character Anxiety plays a central role, pushing her toward self-doubt and a sense of inadequacy. Ultimately, the film emphasizes the importance of embracing all positive and negative emotions to maintain a healthy and balanced sense of self. We spoke with Dr. Lisa Schwartz, Sacred Heart Greenwich Upper School Psychologist, to discuss her thoughts on the movie and insights regarding teen anxiety. Additionally, we sat down with senior Emma (Emmy) Zaback to explore her personal experiences with anxiety.
Featured Image by Maggie Heffernan ’25