Since 2016, Mrs. Virginia Burton and Mrs. Hannah Miracola have been visiting private schools in the Fairfield and Westchester area once a week, providing a safe space to have lunch with students and engage in meaningful conversations about the Bible. They are a part of an organization called Fellowship of Christians Universities and Schools (FOCUS) whose mission is sharing the love of Jesus Christ with independent school students, according to
Mr. Peter Moore, a devout Christian, founded the organization FOCUS. The mission of FOCUS is for independent school students to experience a life of faith that is adventurous and practical. Mr. Moore dedicated 60 years of his life serving as a visionary, a mentor, and a practical theologian of ministry to independent schools. Mr. Moore began this organization for New England boarding school students who wanted to explore Christianity in a school environment. However, over the years, this vision expanded into ten area ministries allowing this practice to outreach to more students. Leaders visit schools and participate in a devotional study usually once a week to spread faith among students, according to
Students have had many experiences at FOCUS weekly meetings at school. Senior Moira Marangi reflected on her experience of attending FOCUS at Sacred Heart over the years. She shared why she enjoys participating in the program each week, highlighting the personal growth it fosters.
“I first discovered FOCUS in fifth grade, and was very excited about the pizza,” Moira said. “Soon, though, I realized the pizza was only an added benefit to FOCUS. The club is a place where a community can come together and share in God’s love. It is a safe place to talk and relax. Many times I feel that FOCUS is where I can go to get away from the stress of school.”

Additionally, FOCUS has retreat programs throughout the year, designed for students to connect with God and deepen their faith while simultaneously making friendships. Around 700 middle and high school students attend FOCUS’s national programs, located at college campuses, retreat centers, and at the organization’s property in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. FOCUS hosts a fall weekend that consists of a mixture of fun games, thoughtful talks, great music, and downtime spent with friends. National programs also take place in Kiawah Island, South Carolina and Buena Vista, Colorado. Students and leaders have the opportunity to enjoy and relax over their summer and engage in exciting activities, according to
On Martha’ Vineyard, students build long-lasting relationships not only with peers but also with God. Students look forward to going back to the National Programs every year. Senior Jadamarie Henry reminisced on the time she spent on a FOCUS summer program trip in Martha’s Vineyard.
“My experience going to FOCUS’s Martha’s Vineyard summer programs has been unforgettable and definitely irreplaceable,” Jadamarie said. “I’ve been able to learn new ways to connect and talk to God like through music and nature. I have also been able to meet new friends from inside and outside of my community, which has definitely had the biggest impact on me. The friends I have made from Focus have guided me and encouraged me through my relationship with God when I am going through a rough patch. The relationships built through these summer retreats are so special and unique and I would not have been able to form as many of these relationships without the opportunities provided by FOCUS.”
Throughout the ten area ministries across the East Coast, from Boston to Raleigh, different leaders in each area unite as teams to share God’s word with independent school students. Leaders connect with students both inside and outside of school, participating in devotionals with students and engaging in conversations. Leaders also help run weekly meetings at school by playing games, teaching Bible lessons, showing support at students’ sporting events, and meeting with students for coffee or a meal. All of this time spent together allows for a relationship and personal connection to form between students and leaders. Once there is a relationship formed, it is easier for there to be an opportunity to engage in conversations about faith.

FOCUS hopes that the leaders’ faiths will become stronger as a result of constantly spreading God’s message to middle and high school students, according to Mrs. Burton, a FOCUS leader in the Fairfield and Westchester area, reflected on why she enjoys her job and how much of an impact it has on her.
“Meeting with students brings me so much joy,” Mrs. Burton said. “I am where I am today because people came alongside me, in my highs and lows, in middle, high school, and college, and loved me unconditionally. It’s a gift to be there for others now. Even when I have lows now, I’m reminded of God’s faithfulness as I share it with others. I don’t take for granted that I actually adore my job.”
Leaders spend a time with students who seek and strive to grow their relationship with Jesus. Mrs. Miracola reflected on why FOCUS serves a purpose in students’ lives.
“I think that it’s easy for us to outsource our identities,” Mrs. Miracola said. “We look outwards to our accomplishments, our physical appearance, and our relationships. We look inwards to our talents, our emotions, our desires, and our goals for the future. And we listen to the voices of others (family, friends, teachers, coaches, colleagues, social media) to inform our identity and tell us where we fit. This can be especially true for middle and high schoolers. One of the best parts of working for FOCUS is opening the Bible with students and inviting them to consider who their Creator says that they are. It’s walking alongside students and witnessing God’s work in their lives, as he reveals and applies truth to their hearts, the truth that they are his beloved Children. It’s seeing students experience the joy and the freedom that comes from knowing that nothing (no bad grade, no dropped ball, no college rejection) can separate them from the love that is in Christ Jesus.”
Featured Image by Claire McMonagle ’27