What inspired you to go on the Lourdes pilgrimage this past summer?
“I was inspired to take the Lourdes pilgrimage after hearing about it from the girls who had gone last year. They all described it as such a life changing experience, and as I had never been on a service trip before, I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I love the idea of connecting with my faith through serving others.”
What was the most impactful part of your Lourdes experience?
“The most impactful part of the Lourdes experience for me was seeing the immense selflessness of all of the volunteers. Everyone was so different and from all over the globe, but they all came together to serve one another. It didn’t matter what language you spoke or where you were from, there was such a strong sense of community and selflessness among everyone in Lourdes.”
How did immersing yourself in service help grow your faith?
“In Lourdes, I was able to see God in everyone I worked for and with. The immense joy of all of the assisted pilgrims and the generous hearts of all of the volunteers were so inspiring. I was encouraged to embrace my faith throughout the trip through masses and processions but truly, the only thing that helped me to grow my faith the most was forming relationships with everyone there and seeing God’s love in them.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks senior Sophia Lostumbo ’25 for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”