Though the members of the senior class have made some impressive accomplishments throughout their time at Convent of the Sacred Heart, there have been some moments and mishaps of which they are not particularly proud. Here are a few anonymous confessions:
Kim Smith ’15
I type all of my periods in size fourteen font.
I’ve never parked in the student parking lot.
I’m secretly the archduchess of Austria.
I steal all of Ms. O’Grady’s tissue boxes.
A few friends and I broke the exit sign in the theater while playing lacrosse freshman year, but we replaced it and now it looks fine and no one even noticed.
I just started doing my math homework this year.
I came up with the nickname “Kpanny.”
I come late to school so I can park in the upper lot.
I refer to all the teachers by their first names.
I’ve written my initials in all the lockers I have used over my four years in high school.
I’ve woken up at 4:00 am to finish assignments.
I only have one skirt.
I never finished a reading assignment in all of high school english.
I’ve had senioritis since freshman year.
– Compiled by Julia Perry, Arts and Entertainment Editor
The secret life of seniors
May 20, 2014