As twenty-first century journalists, we have been prepared for life as adults in a variety of ways that are unique to our Convent of the Sacred Heart education. Not only have we strengthened our writing skills, but we have also learned to produce written, photographic, and media content that is accessible and engaging in a time of multimedia mass production.
During our first year in Journalism class, we discovered the fundamentals of being a reporter; of seeking out a story, covering it, interviewing, researching, and collaborating with editors of all ranks to get the article ready for publication. We also learned that our paper was new to the digital world. Seemingly long ago were the days of physically laying out a paper and printing copies; a task our year would never experience.

Although we were initially distressed to have missed out on this revolutionary transition, we were overjoyed when we realized the high platform our digital paper held. In our three years as journalists, we published our first podcast, numerous videos, polls, interactive quizzes and Prezis, thousands of articles, and nearly 100 articles among the three seniors that make up the 2015-2016 senior editorial board.
We have expanded our database over the years, and know that the King Street Chronicle will only continue to grow and flourish as we pass the flame to the next generation of writers and editors. While we are sad to leave a paper we have dedicated so much time to during our time at Sacred Heart, we have the utmost faith in those who will take over in four short months.
As our expedition to college begins, we are apprehensive to logout of our WordPress accounts and put an end to the writing and editing that has become such an integral part of our daily lives. However, we take comfort in knowing that wherever we go in life, our King Street Chronicle journalism knowledge will remain a crucial component of our education at Sacred Heart.
We now know how to write in a timely manner, edit quickly and proficiently, maneuver our ways around Photoshop, and adapt to the ever-changing multimedia world of Journalism. We are more prepared for life and the outside world thanks to writing for and with members of the King Street Chronicle, and will always cherish our time here.
So as we leave the paper in the hands of our new capable editors, we would like to give them the best piece of advice we have; be persistent, conscientious, and diligent. This paper has shaped so much of our high school years, from late nights spent editing, to hectic phone calls about how to correctly edit a video.
Truly, this paper helped define who we are as young intellects, and we are so thankful for the opportunities it has provided. We wish the best of luck to the new staff next year.
– Senior Editorial Board
Karl Haeseler • May 17, 2016 at 12:38 pm
Thank you for all of the wonderful contributions you’ve made to Sacred Heart Greenwich over the years. You’ve helped expand our sense of community and kept us informed about the Upper School in entertaining, creative, and spirited ways. What a great example of living the goals!
Mr. Haeseler
John D. Lawry (Alex Dimitri's grandfather) • May 17, 2016 at 10:56 am
Congratulations, Senior Editorial Board, indeed it’s been an impressive and productive year. The skills you have learned will serve you well in whatever profession you choose and the values you have acquired will make all the difference. Blessings on your college years.
Victoria Allen • May 17, 2016 at 10:33 am
You have done a great job, and my warmest wishes and congratulations to each and every one of you! I hope that at least some of you go into the newspaper business. My father worked for the Associated Press (financial reporter) and I know how much being a journalist can mean to a person. Good luck, and Godspeed to you all!