Sacred Heart Greenwich varsity softball threw a curveball to spectators the past two seasons by improving their wins to losses record. Seniors Morgan Johnson, Genevieve Capolongo, Katherine Sepulveda, and Alexandra Yu have been members of the softball team for two to four years and acknowledge that the team’s recent success can be attributed to the new team dynamic, the team’s focus, and their improvement of fundamental softball skills.
During co-captains Morgan and Genevieve’s freshman and sophomore year, the varsity softball team had a team record of three wins and ten losses and four wins and 12 losses. The captains expressed that they believe the lack of wins in those two seasons were because the team was mostly made up of seniors and the girls had limited knowledge of the game.
“Once [Middle School Mathematics Teacher] and Coach [Kristen] Dee came our freshman year and continued to come for the years following, the team became more dedicated because there was a coach that cared, motived, and taught the team important softball skills. Then the team started to improve,” Genevieve said.
Courtesy of Bridget Murphy ’18
Recently, the softball team improved its record to six wins and three losses last year and five wins and five losses this year. As the Sacred Heart softball program gains more acknowledgment for its success, the team has concentrated on improving its game.
“We’ve been more successful recently because we’ve been more focused and devoted to the sport. Sometimes it’s up to Genevieve and me to motivate our team and make sure we’re all doing our part on the field. This has really translated into our games because we know how to work together and listen to our teammates,” Morgan said.
The team’s development can be traced to the cohesive bond the players have as they motivate each other to improve their softball abilities.
“I think teamwork and technique have definitely contributed to our growth and success. We’ve definitely been a lot more communicative this year especially, both on the field and on the sidelines cheering each other on. Everyone has also been active in trying to maintain a positive attitude no matter what situation we’re in, which has helped strengthen our bond as teammates and improve our focus during games,” Alexandra said.
Athletics Operation Manager Mr. Brendan Heller became the Head Softball Coach this season. Mr. Heller took the place of Mrs. Dee who has been the Head Coach for three years, but is currently on maternity leave. Mr. Heller is a witness to the team’s advancement and expresses his pride in the dedication of each member to improve her technique.
“Every single player improved this year. In the first week, I’d say only 50 percent of the players could consistently catch and throw the ball. By the end of the season, it was 100 percent. Only a few players knew how to bunt to start the season, but by the end of the year, they’d all been called on to bunt and successfully executed,” Mr. Heller said. “Just teaching the fundamentals of the sport, and then consistently practicing them led to great progress for everyone.Winning five games and coming just short in a sixth game during a ten game season showed the progress they made from day one on with a roster of several players who had never played organized softball before.”
Mr. Heller asserts that he will greatly miss the seniors that have motivated each member to be devoted to softball and helped in the overall success of the team.
“The seniors are a unique group. Two are very quiet on the field, and two are anything but quiet. They fit together very nicely and have enjoyed being part of the team together for the past four years,” Mr. Heller said. “What I am going to miss most about them is the passion they bring to the field to play. It is easy to teach fundamentals, but it is not easy to teach passion.”
– Kristen Davis, Content Editor
Softball seniors sign off
May 25, 2017