“Humans of Sacred Heart” – Ms. Marian Campana

Why do you believe it is important to hold daily virtual Holy Week services for Sacred Heart Greenwich families?
“During this time of social distancing and isolation we are hungry for opportunities to behave as a community. Our virtual prayer services begin and end as a gathering. We chat and catch up with community members we no longer run into on campus. That has been a joy. In addition, our services give us an opportunity to gather around our faith and place both our fears and concerns before God, that is our community’s greatest strength.”
How will the virtual prayer services allow members of the Sacred Heart Greenwich community to build upon their faith?
“Holy Week invites us to recall the most difficult week that Jesus lived. While facing imminent death, Jesus continued to be a source of healing. I think that these prayer services invite us to remember that and to continue to find strength in the person of Jesus. Jesus shows us a form of action we can all take during these challenging times. If we ground ourselves in prayer and contemplation we will find rest and direction to where our energies are most needed. We have the gift of time, so perhaps we can accept the invitation to deepen our relationship with God.”
What inspires you during these challenging times?
“I am inspired by my family, our community, and our nation particularly by my 93-year-old mother who always has some hopeful news to share. I was so grateful to learn how many of our alums are bravely working on the front lines. I have witnessed countless, generous acts of love. I pray that we continue to operate from this place of genuine love and concern for one another.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks Ms. Marian Campana, Director of Mission and Ministry, Middle and Lower School Theology Chair, and Social Justice Service Coordinator (Lower School), for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”

Natalie is thrilled to be the Editor-in-Chief for the King Street Chronicle this year. She is looking forward to engaging with the staff writers and pioneering...