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The student newspaper of Sacred Heart Greenwich

King Street Chronicle

The student newspaper of Sacred Heart Greenwich

King Street Chronicle

The student newspaper of Sacred Heart Greenwich

King Street Chronicle

All content by Jacey Heffernan ’21
Disney Pixar presents the animated film Soul, released December 25.

[Photo] Discovering life purpose in Disney Pixar’s film Soul

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
January 28, 2021
Mrs. Frazier and Upper School students participate in a virtual prayer service in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

[Photo] Celebrating Dr. King through insightful and collaborative schoolwide workshops

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
January 14, 2021
This month, Sacred Heart Greenwich honors veterans and active duty military through its service theme.

[Photo] Honoring those who serve, protect, and lead through Goal Three

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
November 17, 2020
See how schools in the Society of Sacred Heart are adjusting to online learning initiatives.

[Photo] Sister schools go the distance in learning

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
April 21, 2020
Colleges should remove the requirement of standardized test scores from high school applications.

[Photo] Why all colleges should have test-optional admissions

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
March 12, 2020
The iPhone, Tesla cars, and the Apple Watch are a few of the different types of technology that have impacted the past decade.

[Photo] Looking back at technology over the decade

Jacey Heffernan, Sports & Health Editor, Co-Features Editor, and Co-Livestream Manager 
January 17, 2020
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