“Humans of the Sacred Heart” – Ms. Mary Musolino
What inspired you to study in the field of science?
“I was interested in science at a relatively young age. I have several close family members who are engineers, so I was exposed to that field on a daily basis, and I also went to a high school that specializes in science. I have always loved the challenge, logic, and problem-solving aspect of science, so I planned on eventually going into medicine or Biomedical Engineering. I majored in Chemical Engineering and worked in that field for several years before going into teaching.”
Why did you choose to teach Science Research to the younger generation?
“While in college, I completed an internship where I performed research at a company called American Cyanamid. There, I worked in a lab that was titled “Discovery Research” and became hooked on the element of discovery. I had my own project for which I had to design, test, and troubleshoot experiments that were very important to the company. I was humbled by the company’s faith in me, and I worked very hard, even though things did not always work as planned. My ideas eventually led to a successful method for using plasma technology to transform polymer fibers into gas-separating membranes. I also became the co-author of a patent. Since then, I have conducted research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Rockefeller University. Each experience increased my passion for the potential that research holds and the excitement that new discoveries represent. I definitely wanted to pass that excitement on to the younger generation. When I first proposed instituting a research program at Sacred Heart Greenwich, Sister Joan Magnetti, the headmistress at the time, could not say yes fast enough.”
What is your favorite aspect of teaching?
“My favorite aspect of being a teacher is definitely getting to know and work with the students here. I have been at Sacred Heart long enough that I am now teaching the daughters of former students. I will never forget my early years at Sacred Heart, as I vividly remember how animated, enthusiastic, and friendly the students were. The same spirit is still thriving at Sacred Heart. I taught chemistry the first year back at school after the pandemic, and that year, teaching the seniors at the time was one of my favorite experiences. The students seemed so happy to be in person at school and were so open to learning and new experiences. Finally, of course, the research students this year continue to inspire me with their passion, ideas, and dedication.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks Ms. Mary Musolino, Science Research Teacher, for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”

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