The Midnight Run Club delivers a human connection

Giada Coviello ’24

Members of the Midnight Run Club provide food, clothing, and toiletries to the homeless community.

In pursuit to live out Goal Three of Sacred Heart Greenwich’s Goals and Criteria, “a social awareness which impels to action,” Sacred Heart Greenwich students and faculty members participated in a Midnight Run April 14.  Co-head of the Midnight Run Club senior Lauren Drummey reflected on how she strives to educate and involve club members in proactive service. 

Since Midnight Run’s foundation in 1984, over 250 community organizations have joined the cause to find a common ground between the housed and the homeless.  When members go on these runs, they pick up a Midnight Run van at the location in Dobbs Ferry, New York and distribute toiletries, clothes, beverages, and food items to those on the streets of New York City, according to

Members of the Midnight Run Club unload necessities to distribute to those in need in New York City.  Kelly Haggerty ’23

Seniors Kelly Haggerty and Lauren not only endeavor to help those in need, but also work to demonstrate the importance of human connection during service work.  Lauren shared her intentions when going on a Midnight Run as well as the impact that it has on her.

Sacred Heart students visit the Upper West Side and learn the importance of giving back to their community.  Kelly Haggerty ’23

“I want to create a relationship with these people, allowing them to feel a sense of comfort and belonging in the harsh reality they live in,” Lauren said.  “I am truly blessed to be able to have a roof over my head, eat three meals a day, brush my teeth, and dress according to the weather.  Since I have come to terms with how blessed I am, I know I need to give back to the community that I know I can support.”

During their runs, members of the Midnight Run Club go to four different stops around the Upper West Side of New York City and distribute clothes, toiletries, and food to the homeless people they meet at these stops.  Many schools, churches, and organizations participate in these runs.  Lauren shared how Sacred Heart provides opportunities for students to give back to their community.

“Sacred Heart has such a supportive and generous community, giving us the ability to help the impoverished in many ways,” Lauren said.  “When you have the opportunity to give back, even the smallest amount, you must take advantage of that.  You should truly put your feet in their shoes, and consider the struggles they face every day.”

Featured Image by Giada Coviello ’24