Senior Superlatives 2023
Check out the senior superlatives of the Class of 2023.
Most likely to become president of the United States:
Kass Morrow
Runner-up: Katie May
Most likely to publish a book:
Maddy Abramson
Runner-up: Daphne Hartch
Most likely to be an Olympic athlete:
Alexandra Bastone
Runner-up: Delfina Gonzalez-Lobo and Olivia Caponiti (tie)
Most likely to marry her high school sweetheart:
Alexandra Bastone
Runner-up: Vivi Caruso
Most likely to work at Sacred Heart Greenwich in the future:
Annie Cornell
Runner-up: Lindsay Benza and Olivia Caponiti (tie)
Most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket:
Olivia Caponiti
Runner-up: Audrey Ebeling
Most likely to be a famous influencer:
Jackie Franco
Runner-up: Elsa Latrille
Most likely to work on Wall Street:
Laura O’Connor
Runner-up: Kourtney Ulmer and Sinclair Noonan (tie)
Most likely to have a Starbucks drink named after her:
Stefanie Novak
Runner-up: Corbin Callaway and Lindsay Benza (tie)
Most likely to cure a disease:
Kate Nemec
Runner-up: Katie May
Most likely to be a famous comedian:
Isobel Costello
Runner-up: Maggie Sullivan and Laura O’Connor (tie)
Most likely to be late to her own wedding:
Eva Kim
Runner-up: Ines Araujo, Madeline Schwarz, and Sabrina Schwarz (tie)
Featured Image by Olivia Caponiti ’23

After two fulfilling years as a member of the King Street Chronicle staff, Olivia is ecstatic to be back in the newsroom for the 2022-2023 school year....