We are Better Together
The theme of Better Together guides the 2022-2023 academic year.
Under the guidance of the 2022-2023 academic year theme, Better Together, the King Street Chronicle leadership has ensured that our paper follows equity and truth. This year, new and returning Staff have come together with their unique talents to produce reliable news and compelling editorials that advance social justice and inspire our readers. As the academic year concludes, we reflect on our leadership, collaboration, and development throughout these last nine months.
As a publication, the KSC strives to publish innovative yet reliable content for our readers. Each member of the Staff brings a distinct perspective and background to our paper that encompasses this year’s academic theme of Better Together. In order for the KSC to reach such a high caliber, our newsroom requires diverse skills and qualities that converge in the forms of articles, podcasts, and videos. We are proud to have further developed the legacy of the paper and are grateful for the opportunity to deliver news to the Sacred Heart Greenwich community and beyond.

We began our time at the KSC as sophomores, unsure about the operation of a publication and of the journalistic writing process. With practice and repetition, we learned how to serve as effective journalists and deliver news in different forms. From compiling and editing podcasts to writing editorials, we began to get a grasp on journalism.
In our junior year, we began to serve as leaders of the KSC. While still crafting articles, we began to edit them, ensuring that the paper’s content was relevant and creative, while also offering guidance to new writers. Before commencing our last year on King Street, we were privileged to learn the value of Ohana from the Class of 2022. From their empathy, wisdom, and dedication, we learned to be responsible, open-minded collaborators.
Now senior editors, we have grown from shy Staff writers to ambitious journalists. We proposed seemingly displeasing article ideas and despite occasional resistance from our peers, we wrote that about which we were passionate. After all, who does not like Taylor Swift? We learned to work effectively with one another and pushed each other outside of our comfort zones.

While the senior Staff continued to build the paper, the KSC provided us with lessons and values that we will cherish as we turn the page to the next chapter of our lives. While we experienced challenges, our time with the KSC has been exceedingly rewarding. Regardless of our college majors or future careers, the skills we cultivated while working for the paper will help us throughout our lives.
Ultimately, we want to extend profound gratitude to our adviser, Ms. Larson, without whom the KSC would not be possible. With her patient and encouraging example, Ms. Larson has taught us to become astute observers, critical thinkers, and effective communicators. Moreover, she has assisted in our journeys to becoming dedicated, responsible, and, most importantly, empathetic leaders. As we embark on the next chapter of our lives, we will carry the numerous lessons Ms. Larson has shared with us.
Thank you, Ms. Larson, for helping all of your students, not just the Class of 2023 Editorial Board. You inspire us to promote a better world by taking action and speaking up. We are forever grateful for your contributions to our growth and development during our time at Sacred Heart. Soon, as alumnae, we are eager to view the content of the lean, mean, fighting machine we know as the KSC.
Featured Image by Lindsay Benza ’23

Lindsay is delighted to serve as one of the the Editors-in-Chief for the King Street Chronicle during the 2022-2023 academic year. She is eager to collaborate...

For her final year on the KSC staff, Ana is incredibly grateful to serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief. To help ensure the success of the paper in upcoming years,...