Why did you decide to become a member of Voices, the student-run multilingual and multimedia art and literary magazine?
“I decided to become a member of Voices magazine back in my freshman year. […] I saw the presentation that the club heads at that time gave, and I was really motivated to join the club. As I speak Korean and English at home and have been learning Spanish for the last couple of years, I thought the magazine would be a great way to practice my language skills. I also thought that a multilingual magazine could inspire people to continue learning new languages and become intrigued in the different cultures and languages around the world.”
What is your role in Voices?
“Right now, my role in Voices is the Chief Co-Editor-in-Chief, alongside Nidhi Ray. We collect all forms of media, artwork, music, video, and multiple forms of writing, such as poems, short stories, excerpts of longer works.”
How do you think that Voices impacts the Sacred Heart Greenwich community?
“I think Voices inspires the Sacred Heart community to continue pursuing their love for art and media while also exploring new cultures and languages that they may not have known before.”
The King Street Chronicle thanks junior Arianna Chin ’26 for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”