Businesses adapt in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
As AI changes the job market, employment opportunities emerge.
AI and ML will take on considerable workplace roles in the future.
As the roles of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expanding, the current job market is changing. Manual manufacturing tasks completed with AI are modifying the role of employees, and jobs are disappearing as a result. However, research shows that other, more stimulating jobs will surface, according to The New York Times.
AI has become increasingly useful to several financial companies. KeyBank, a retail banking company, uses robots that are able to decipher market data, predict stock trade, and oversee finances with more efficacy than humans, according to Similarly, some firms have begun putting “robot advisors” in the role of customer support, using them to provide suggestions for straight-forward financial questions, according to
Mrs. Linda Vasu, Assistant Head and Upper School English and World Literature Teacher, shared her thoughts on AI.
“We are at an inflection point, a point of massive technological change that advanced societies are addressing, and lots of good will be brought in, but there will be dangers as well,” Mrs. Vasu said.

Although companies benefit from automation technology, there are also associated challenges, according to The main concern about the increased role of technology in the workplace is human unemployment, according to Automation will create new jobs, but machines will replace many workers’ jobs, according to
AI requires a higher level of upkeep than the average worker, generating an increase in company costs, as well as the need for workers to adapt to changing demands in the job market.
“Right now, the World Economic Forum forecasts that one billion people will need to be reskilled or up-skilled to meet the needs of what is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the challenges of artificial intelligence,” Mrs. Vasu said.

Automation will be responsible for huge leaps in transportation, healthcare, and economics, according to Automation will affect the future of transportation with inventions like self-driving cars and aircraft. These advancements will cause layoffs, but investment banking company Morgan Stanley estimates annual savings of $5.6 trillion globally. Due to these advancements, self-driving vehicles will decrease accident risk and traffic, while also lowering energy costs, according to
Medical companies are using robots to conduct a diverse range of medical practices, stretching from diagnoses to surgeries, according to An example of robotic surgery is the new Da-Vinci surgical system, which allows for predominantly unintrusive surgeries, according to By leaving duties, such as delivering anesthesia, to robots, healthcare professionals and researchers will be able to focus more on finding cures, leading to extraordinary advances, according to
Co-captain of the Sacred Heart Greenwich Robotics Team, senior Elisa Howard expressed her interest in the medical aspect of automation.
“I am excited to see the increased interdependence between humans and robots,” Elisa said, referring to the new Da-Vinci surgical system.
AI and ML are modifying the current job market and making advancements in a variety of possible fields, according to
“It’s going to be kind of a revolution characterized by a rapid shift to new technology platforms for global connectivity,” Mrs. Vasu said. “Fascination with the future and foresight is important in order to adapt to and regulate rapid change. More than ever, the world will need human compassion and empathy.”
Featured Image by Claire Moore ’22

After two rewarding years on staff, Claire is incredibly honored to serve as one of the King Street Chronicle’s Editors-in-Chief for the 2021-2022 academic...
Karl Haeseler • Dec 9, 2019 at 10:35 am
This is a very important topic, Claire. Thank you for highlighting the potential positive and negative impacts new innovations have on our world. Students really need to be thinking of future automation when choosing a major and a career. Most jobs will be impacted by AI in various degrees, but some careers may completely disappear while other fields are expanding. A broad, general, and deep education is the best way to prepare for an uncharted future.