About Us
The King Street Chronicle’s main goal is to inform readers about issues and events that are pertinent to the school community. We strive to emphasize the relationship between our school and the world. We make it our mission to provide readers with fair, honest, and relevant news that will promote student reflection and action. The King Street Chronicle remains committed to abiding by and respecting the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart school.
Header graphic – Sydney Kim, ’20
Comments Policy:
We encourage readers to voice their opinions respectfully in regards to both the readers and writers of the publication. Comments are pre-moderated, and may be removed if deemed to be in violation of this policy.
Posting under a pseudonym is not permitted. Comments will not be published if they attack a named or identified person or group unreasonably. Comments will not be published if they make readers unreasonably uncomfortable on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability, ethnicity or otherwise. Comments will not be published if they attack any school employee. Comments will not be published if they contain any obscenities, threaten violence, encourage illegal behavior, violate copyright or privacy protections. Comments will not be published if they purport ideas contrary to mission of Sacred Heart Greenwich.
Letters to the Editor Policy:
The King Street Chronicle invites all readers to write Letters to the Editor to voice their opinions and concerns about relevant articles or issues.
Submissions should be sent to cshksc@gmail.com. While the KSC welcomes all submissions, the KSC reserves the right not to publish any letters that contain any inappropriate language, substandard writing mechanics or are inconsistent with the comments policy. Submissions written anonymously cannot be published.
Corrections Policy:
Corrections will be printed when mistakes are found or brought to the attention of the staff.
You may contact us by using the form below: