“Humans of the Sacred Heart” – Catherine Dodman ’23

As this school year’s Head of Campus Ministry, what is your favorite aspect of your position?

“My favorite aspect of being Head of Campus Ministry is leading the Upper School in prayer every morning during morning meetings.  Prayer is always such a great way to start the day.  I also love being a part of the Executive Board student council and being able to help plan fun activities for the school.”

What advice would you give future students who take on your role in the student council?

“My advice for future students who take on Head of Campus Ministry would be to always have a prayer ready so that you can be prepared for morning meetings.  I would also recommend students to participate in as many chapels and other school events as they can because your time in the Upper School flies faster than you think.”

Why is this period of Lent vital to you?

This period of Lent is essential to me because it is a time that other Catholics and I prepare for Easter.  We do so by giving up something or participating in acts of kindness as a way to reflect as Easter approaches.”

The King Street Chronicle thanks senior Catherine Dodman ’23 for her contributions to “Humans of Sacred Heart.”