College Alumnae Congé connects students and graduates

Alumnae return to share their college experience and advice.

Sydney Kim ’20

Ms. Maddie McLane ‘17, Ms. Daisy Steinthal ‘19, Ms. Claire Liddy ’19, and Ms. Adriana Arias ‘19 share college advice and experiences with current juniors and seniors.

Alumnae from the classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 returned to Sacred Heart Greenwich January 6 to share their college experiences and advice with the current juniors and seniors.  These students and alumnae gathered in Caroline’s Core Center for the College Alumnae Congé, an event that included a Garden Catering lunch and a panel of graduates.  

The College Alumnae Congé began at 12 p.m. with the arrival of the alumnae.  Upon their arrival, the graduates, each wearing a sweatshirt from her college, gathered in the Core Center to share lunch.  At 12:45 p.m., juniors and seniors joined the recent graduates.  Students were able to speak to the alumnae individually about choosing a college, their studies, and their current experience before the panel began.

Four graduates, Ms. Adriana Arias ‘19, Ms. Claire Liddy ’19, Ms. Maddie McLane ‘17, and Ms. Daisy Steinthal ‘19, spoke to the Upper School juniors and seniors in the panel.  They shared their knowledge on topics from the application process and enrollment to college dining and housing options.  Mrs. Alycia Crane, Co-Director of College Guidance, moderated the panel on behalf of the Upper School College Guidance Department.

Ms. Daisy Steinthal ’19, Ms. Claire Liddy ’19, and Ms. Adriana Arias ’19 gather in Caroline’s Core Center to speak with Upper School students.  Courtesy of Ms. Rachel Zurheide

Ms. Arias is a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she is studying nursing.  A lifer of the Class of 2019, she is grateful for the time management and organizational skills that she developed as a Sacred Heart student.  

“Sacred Heart prepared us really well [for college, especially] in terms of time management and planning,” Adriana said during the panel.  “Sacred Heart really prepared me in that I can really set up my week and plan out what I want to do on a certain day.”

Ms. Liddy is also a freshman, and she attends Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and is studying chemical and biomolecular engineering.  In reflecting on her time as a senior at Sacred Heart, she offered advice for students who are currently applying to colleges.

“As a senior [in high school], it can be really easy to be swept up in being upset or being dead-set on one school, and if that doesn’t work out, then it can be really hard.  But, you’re going to wind up where you’re meant to be,” Ms. Liddy said.  “Everyone I know is really happy at their school.”

Ms. McLane is currently a junior at Boston College in Chestnuthill, Massachusetts.  She initially did not know what she wanted to study, but, after taking numerous required courses, chose to major in both political science and journalism.  She finds that the people she meets at Boston College have a strong influence on her experience as a student.

“The biggest thing about choosing a college is thinking about the community that you are going to be going into,” Ms. McLane said.  “That is what has shaped my college career so far: the people I am with more than the school that I go to.”

Ms. Steinthal is a freshman at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and is currently a political science major.  After completing her first semester at Georgetown, Daisy shared her experience moving from the Upper School to a college environment.

Ms. Sarah Eckerson ’19, Ms. Shantel Guzman ’19, Ms. Laura Moore ’19, and Ms. Elizabeth Aspirinio ’19 return to Sacred Heart Greenwich to attend the College Alumnae Congé.  Courtesy of Ms. Rachel Zurheide

“A lot of classes that I took were very similar to Sacred Heart in the sense that they were smaller seminar classes, but I did have larger lectures and that did take, for me, a lot of getting used to,” Ms. Steinthal said.  “In college, it’s really up to you to put yourself out there and meet your professors.  They will not be coming to you, so you have to go to them if you are struggling or need help.”

Senior Megan Farrell reflected on her experience at the College Alumnae Congé and the advice that she will be able to take with her after her graduation.

“As a senior, I enjoyed speaking with the college alumnae because they were able to provide interesting and useful insights on life in college,” Megan said.  “Additionally, it was beneficial to hear from them on their college experiences because it emphasized how a Sacred Heart education prepares students to succeed in a college setting.”

Featured Image by Sydney Kim ’20