AP Music Theory students learn theory and performance skills.

AP Music Theory

Senior Elizabeth Murray is one of the three Sacred Heart Greenwich students who take Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory.  SophieConnect allows students to continue taking courses that are less in demand.  

Mr. Karl Haeseler is the Upper School Computer Science Teacher and SophieConnect Co-Founder.  Along with the other SophieConnect coordinators, Mr. Haeseler chose to offer AP Music Theory online to give students a chance to pursue music in a unique format.

“There are only very few students interested in taking this course and yet it offers opportunities for discovery, creative expression, and the pursuit of a life-long passion,” Mr. Haeseler said.  “SophieConnect offers this course because it affords students a unique opportunity to share their love for music within the network and, at the same time, allows Sacred Heart schools to expand their offerings beyond the traditional.  This also provides opportunities for students to hone their online learning talents by building confidence and skills that reach beyond the content covered in any of the online courses.  So it’s a ‘win/win’ for students, schools, and the mission that identifies us as members of the Network.” 

Elizabeth plays the violin outside of school and was looking for a way to further her studies of music in school.  Taking AP Music Theory on SophieConnect is an opportunity for her to improve her performance skills. 

“I am not with the teacher or other students every class and all of the work is done during my own time,” Elizabeth said.  “I have to take initiative with my class and ensure that I stay on top of my work because it’s easy to fall behind when I don’t see my teacher everyday.”   

While SophieConnect classes are commonly considered more demanding due to the need for students to take initiative, they also offer students the chance to take more control of their learning.  By taking a SophieConnect class, students engage in Goal Five of the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, “personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.”  Elizabeth enjoys the independent aspect of the course, as well as the ability to choose when she does her work.

“My favorite aspect of my class is that there is more freedom for deciding when I do my work,” Elizabeth said.  “With my regular classes, they are very structured, and I have to be in class at a certain time and on certain days. With my SophieConnect class I am able to choose the best time in my schedule to do my work so that I don’t feel overwhelmed or exhausted.  My favorite aspect of AP Music Theory is being able to apply what I learn in class to my violin lessons in order to improve my playing and better understand the piece that I am working on.” 

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