Global Scholars Candidates evaluate the concept of belonging through a global lens
The 2022 Global Scholars Cohort presented on their citizenship experiences, centered around the theme of “belonging.”
Ten members of the 2022 Global Scholars Cohort presented on their citizenship experiences February 16. Sacred Heart Greenwich’s signature Global Scholars Program (GSP) combines world language proficiency, cross-cultural academic experiences, and global citizenship to empower participating students to become world leaders and inspire social change.
Seniors Leah Allen, Joi Almonacy, Lucy Catalano, Katherine Devine, Charlotte Fallon, Mimi Lee, Diana McIntire, Kayla Malcolm-Joseph, Megan Maloney, Claire Miller, Claire Moore, Jessica Thompson, Elisa Taylor, and Maddie Wise are Global Scholars Candidates for the 2021-2022 academic year. The cohort began the year focusing on the concept of refugeeism and broadened their focus to center their reflections around the theme of “belonging.”
GSP defines global citizenship as a commitment towards interconnectedness and education, achieved through personal and interdisciplinary academic experiences. Students will gain a cultural awareness that encourages openness toward dialogue and differences. This, in turn, inspires participants to promote social justice and evolve into responsible global leaders in an increasingly complex and diverse world, according to

The three pillars of GSP stress multilingual work, interdisciplinary research rooted in community service, and reflections on global identities, according to In completing program requirements, students embody Goals Two, Three, and Four of the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria, exhibiting a “deep respect for intellectual values,” a “social awareness which impels to action,” and a “building of a community as a Christian value.”
On a broader scale, GSP candidates assert that the concept of global citizenship is integral to creating a more just and equitable world. Global citizens act outside of traditional spheres of power and promote social accountability, tolerance, and human dignity, according to
During the presentation, Kayla reflected on the experiences of first-generation Americans and how the multiplicity of their backgrounds inform a sense of belonging. She recited an original poem in French about finding pride in her diverse cultural identities. Joi and Leah discussed the cross-cultural impacts of colorism in both Latin America and in the Middle East. Through examining the internal hierarchies and micro-aggressions in their target areas, they sought to establish a more holistic definition of identity and belonging.

Charlotte and Katherine shared an interview they conducted with Ms. Beth Cutler, a leader in the Jewish Family Services of Greenwich (JFS) new Afghan Refugee Placement Program. They discussed her humanitarian work with refugees in Greenwich, Connecticut and explained how their conversation with her inspired them to continue advocating for displaced populations.
Lucy presented on her experience volunteering with an organization called Community Educational Services (CES) in Harlem, New York. She explained her work with native Spanish-speaking children with learning disabilities and discussed the ways in which learning can transcend language.
Finally, Elisa, Claire Moore, Mimi, Claire Miller, and Maddie shared takeaways from their participation in the Harvard Case Method Discussion this fall. They discussed constitutional democracies in a global context and asserted that belonging, as it relates to governance, centers around faith in governmental structures and active participation from civilians.
Katherine spoke on her citizenship experience and her thoughts on the importance of the Global Scholars Program.
“Through my participation in GSP and after speaking with Ms. Cutler, I feel an even stronger compulsion to live out Goal Three,” Katherine said. “I am excited to share this program with the larger school community and become more informed and involved with the placement program. I believe that there are many students, like myself, that will be excited about an opportunity to act on Goal Three, [and become] more globally and socially aware of important issues, such as refugeeism.”
Featured Image by Leah Allen ’22

Leah is thrilled to return to the King Street Chronicle as Co-Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor this year. As she enters her final year as a Sacred Heart...